So we finally busted out of this place! Dan and I went on a pretty good walk around our neighborhood. There are a good 8 inches of snow on the sidewalks and roads, and no layer of ice underneath (so it's not too slippery). It was a pretty good workout and a really nice break from the couch. Here's a picture of me, 26 weeks and 1 day pregnant:

And if angels could get pregnant, this is what they'd look like in the snow? I know, I's a stretch. Not only that but it's not exactly a flattering picture. But you know what? Who cares! I haven't made a snow angel in probably 20 years, and there was no stopping me today! :)

We saw our neighbors out a block or two from our house. They were cross-country skiing, and offered to take our picture together. Again, not the most flattering shot I've seen of myself, but you get the picture!

But now we're back home...and Dan's out clearing our porch and stairs of snow. We had a good 3-4 inches on our porch too - our *covered* porch! So now I'm back inside with the cats who don't know what to do with themselves. I think Sprinkles has the right idea though...

Happy Winter Solstice! I think our baby wants some hot chocolate...
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