Tuesday, December 30, 2008

51 Work Days

On the bus this morning, I realized that including today I only have 51 work days until my maternity leave starts! And that's assuming that he doesn't come more than two weeks early AND that I don't end up on bed rest AND that I don't just call it quits earlier than March 13. 51 days isn't that many, especially since this one is half over already.

On July 17 when we got the positive home pregnancy test, it seemed like eons had to pass to get to 2009, let alone get to the end of March. But here we are, two days away from 2009, and it's finally feeling like time is passing. I was telling Dan this morning that I shouldn't be wishing for time to pass...but it's so so hard. I am really looking forward to some time off from work, and most importantly to meet our little jumping bean. Our life is about to change so amazingly and I can't wait!

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