Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby's Exercise

Every morning when the alarm goes off, our baby boy starts moving. I'm not sure if he moves like that all night and I sleep through it, or if the sound of the alarm or my accelerated heart beat wakes him up, but he goes crazy. Thanks to a certain girl cat of ours who shall remain nameless, we were gently roused from our slumber -- okay, she was really frickin' annoying! -- at 5:45, so our little guy started his morning routine a little early.

Most of the time when I feel the movement start, Dan is in a deep sleep. But this morning he was up and got to feel our little boy on what Dan called "his morning jog". My favorite part of his morning routine is that his kicks are up high and stay away from my bladder. I don't feel them internally as strongly as his bladder kicks, but you can definitely feel them on the outside. Very cool!

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