Saturday, October 18, 2008

Imagine, If You Will

Lucky number 17 today. 17 weeks of pregnancy. That means only 23-ish weeks to go. Every week, we progress through the produce section. This week, Baby is the size of a turnip. Go ahead, picture a turnip. I know when I read that we're to the turnip stage, I immediately knew how big Baby is now. Yeah right! Who knows what a turnip looks like?!?

Luckily, other sites likened Baby's size to a large baked potato, or the size of a hand with the fingers extended. Baby has doubled in weight in the past two weeks and is now around 3.5 ounces. Even though Baby is still mostly water, the bones are hardening and fat is developing under the skin. Baby is exhaling amniotic fluid and is moving quite a bit.

People are starting to notice that I'm pregnant and not just hitting the fries too hard. My stomach is rounding out a little bit more, and my belly button is getting shallower. It's a very interesting change to want people to notice my stomach instead of trying to hide it. We'll see how I feel when random people try to touch...

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