One of the odd side effects of being pregnant is extra vivid dreaming. From what I've read, it seems that pregnant women actually spend less time in REM sleep (due to multiple bathroom breaks, cramping limbs, etc), but it's the regular sleep interruptions that help us remember how wacky our little fantasies are.
Two nights ago, I dreamed it was time for our ultrasound. Dan and I went to the doctor, and she asked where Sprinkles was. Sprinkles is our 8 year old tortoise-shell cat. You see, Sprinkles was the one carrying our baby, so we should have brought her with us. The doctor sent us home with a hand-held ultrasound-ish thing, and we were supposed to take pictures to send to the doctor to analyze, including the all-important "toilet shot" to determine gender (more on that in a minute). Well, that stupid cat wouldn't stay still long enough for us to get a good shot, so we couldn't know if we were expecting a boy or a girl!
The craziest part of this dream was that at no point did it seem crazy. It was totally normal for Sprinkles to be carrying the baby, and of course she was too squirmy to see the gender. Nutso!
Now, back to the toilet shot...

Here is a girl toilet shot. It's like she's sitting on the toilet and you're looking up at her parts. The little white lines (and lack of a penis) show you her gender.

Here is a boy toilet shot. There is very clearly a little man there, and the 3 white lines that indicate a girl aren't there.
Yes. This *is* what I spend my time obsessing over. I hope that we get a good toilet shot to share with you in 3 weeks. And here's to another 5 months of truly bizarre dreams!