Aunt Kathy, I am definitely a redhead! Here's a picture of me just minutes old. It's especially obvious against my blueish skin. I've really pinked up since then, so it looks more blond now.

Here's me on the scale. One of the surgeons said I was as big as a fourth grader!
9 pounds, 12 ounces; 22 inches long

Daddy got to hold me the whole time Mommy was getting fixed up after I was born. I'm his new weight-lifting routine.
Not only that, but Daddy always has the magic touch. When I'm crying, he knows how to make me feel better.

Mommy finally got to hold me a little while later, after the medicine started wearing off and she could sit up. She looks pretty good for 26 hours of labor and major surgery, doesn't she?
She got 2 hours of sleep between 7:30 AM on Thursday and night time on Friday night. Luckily, I have been a super sleeper at night so she and Daddy can both get some rest.

I make sleeping look good! I make super cute sleepy noises and love to be swaddled.

While I am always the cutest baby ever, I seem to change almost by the minute! Daddy and Mommy take so many pictures because I just keep getting cuter and cuter!

My hair is definitely red, but in some backgrounds you can really tell! Aren't I amazing?
Master Owen! You are as cute as they come. And, I do have to tell you, I am especially partial to redheads! Thanks for posting all your pictures---I can't wait to see you in person! Hugs and loves... Aunt Kathy
Great Grandma wants to let you know how proud I am of both you and how beautiful my
GREAT-grandson is, and I look forward to seeing Owen Robin very soon.
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