Owen just celebrated his third Halloween, though not exactly like we had planned. Poor little guy was a coughing snot monster, so we missed out on our annual Mom's Group party, and never broke out the Buzz Lightyear costume we bought. Luckily, we had some skeleton pajamas that Owen could wear around the clock! So cute. And we took Owen up and down the block "trick for treat"ing. By the second side of the street, he was joyfully shouting, "Trick for treat! I want candy!" I'm pretty sure getting candy for walking around is the bees knees for Owen. He has asked to do it again multiple times. Too bad it's only once a year...
Earlier in the month, we took a trip to the pumpkin patch for some pictures, and we also got a small pumpkin for Owen to paint at his preschool pumpkin party night. So I can reminisce, and so you can come along, here are pictures from the past two years for comparison:
October 2009 - 6 months old

October 2010 - 18 months old

And here are a handful from this year - October 2011 - 2 1/2 years

And from Halloween, here is Owen in his skeleton "costume" (and his terrifying runny nose):

And heading out for his one block of trick-or-treating:

As for our upcoming pumpkin, I am 26+ weeks pregnant right now, and feeling good. I just had my second test for gestational diabetes on Tuesday (smart the day after Halloween, right?), and passed with flying colors. We also had a growth ultrasound on Thursday, and Baby looks great. He/she is measuring about a week bigger than his/her gestational age, and weighs 2 pounds 5 ounces right now. We now start having appointments every 2 weeks, and after we get back from Kauai (Thanksgiving week), we'll start the extra monitoring for fetal movement and development. If all goes well, we'll have this baby in our arms in 11 weeks!
Here's how I look this evening:

We're looking into doing a 3D ultrasound in the coming weeks too, so look for those pictures if we get it scheduled.