On days that we have doctor's appointments, I get to work from home. I love these days! It's nice to sleep in a little from normal, skip the 24-mile commute each way, and see my favorite guys during the day.
This morning, Dan and Owen scoped out a new park in Magnolia. It's a perfect park for Owen because there is a lot of room to run, and a slide that he couldn't get enough of. It gave me a couple of uninterrupted hours to work, but it's hard to miss out on the fun.

After the play time, Dan and I went to our 18-week appointment. It was, thankfully, very uneventful! We heard the heartbeat on the doppler (we also listened at home last night) and scheduled our 20-week anatomy scan a few days early (next Thursday). We're still going to wait until birth to find out the sex, but it will be great to see how Baby has grown since our last ultrasound at 13 weeks.
I'm starting to feel movement more frequently, and I felt the first kicks from the outside today. It's only going to be another month or two before things are going to get really crazy, and I can't wait! I can't wait for the kicks and hiccups and somersaults. I can't wait for the constant reassurance that things are going well. I can't wait to meet this little person and bring him/her home with us. (fingers crossed!)
Bonus Photo: Owen sharing some tunes with Mr. Peepo, his best buddy

Look for another post next week with ultrasound pictures!
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