Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Owen's First Movie and 17 Weeks Pregnant

On Friday night, Dan took Owen to see his first movie in the theater. They saw "Winnie the Pooh," which Owen calls "Sinny." Luckily, the movie was only an hour long, since it was too slow to keep Owen's attention for any longer!


In unrelated news, Owen's new favorite activity is wrestling with Dan. He climbs up on Dan, grabs Dan's nose, and then starts shouting the names of various Thomas the Train characters. "Bash, the logging loco!! Dash, the logging loco!! AND FERDINAND!" If he has a future career in professional wrestling, we can call him "The Steam Engine."


For me, I hit 17 weeks in this pregnancy yesterday. Baby is now the size of an onion, and I can feel him/her bouncing around in there. I haven't gained any weight yet, but I'm definitely filling out. My nausea and aversions are almost completely gone, and I actually feel like I'm getting the 2nd trimester energy that I had only read about in previous pregnancies. That doesn't mean I would turn down nap time most days, but I can make it until (early) bedtime almost every night!

Back by popular request (hi, Jeni!), here is a belly picture from today, at 17 weeks, 1 day:


So far, so good! (Knock on wood)


A Boy, His Girls & A Big Dog said...

Love it!

Nicole Rose said...

You look beautiful! Its nice to see you so happy :)