Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Means School!

Owen started preschool last Monday! He and Dan are doing a pre-3s co-op preschool two mornings a week, for two hours each. The goal is for Dan to go on Mondays, and get a two-hour break on Wednesdays. So far, Owen LOVES it, and gets very excited when we ask him about school.

The structure of the class we chose is perfect for him. The day starts with 30 minutes of outside play on the playground. Then comes snack/lunch. And then there is a 45-minute free play time, with several dedicated theme rooms. There's a climbing room, an arts/crafts room, and a room with books, blocks, and "dramatics" (baby dolls, toy kitchen, etc). The kids have free range during this time to do as they please, and group as they want. The day ends with a circle time for stories and songs, and then the kids get stamps on their hands.

After Owen's first day, he went down for a nap an hour earlier than normal. You KNOW you've succeeded when two hours wears him out that much! :)

Here are some first-day pictures of our big guy:



And for good measure, here's my 20 week belly picture:


17 weeks to go!

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