Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Ultrasound Details

We were so excited to share our pictures yesterday, that I didn't post any other details about the ultrasound. Here goes!

We checked in at the radiology desk yesterday around 8:40. Our appointment was for 9:00 AM, but it was around 9:15 before we were called back. It was a crazy wait. It was like right before you open your Christmas presents, and you're so excited but not quite ready for the anticipation to be over. But we were so excited!

The first shot we got when the tech put the probe down was of his 4-chambered heart pumping away. You can see the individual chambers and the muscles working to pump his blood. Then we spent some time on his head, measuring the size of his skull and the brain formation. His head is measuring about a week ahead in terms of size, so hopefully that means he takes after his parents with his big brain!

After about 20 minutes of head measurements, we got the toilet shot! I have been researching them online and seeing other women post on my birth boards, but I had no idea that's what we were looking at until she pointed out the outstretched legs...and there was a penis between them! I was floored and so excited. We're having a son! His femurs were measuring right on schedule, and it was so incredible to see the little bones formed so perfectly.

The tech measured everything, from heart activity, to renal size, to diaphragm movement...it was the coolest 2 hours ever! We got some good profile shots, and he was active the entire time. He never stopped wiggling or kicking or punching. At one point he threw his whole arm back behind his head, and was just chillin' there like the cool little dude he is.

Dan's favorite part of the whole experience was watching his heart beating so perfectly. Mine was probably seeing how active he is, and when he kicked back at the probe that was trying to see his little feet. It seemed like almost every picture the tech had lined up would be ruined at the last second by our shy baby boy. By the end of the session, he had his bent legs pulled up against his chest, so it's good we got the toilet shot early, or we may not have found out. Before that though, he was folded in half for a while, and you could see his hands and feet all in the same shot.

We took a small video at the end of our appointment, but it's too big to email or post here. We're going to work on editing it down to be small enough to share, but in the mean time, we'll just have to come door to door and show you all our amazing little man!

The results of our ultrasound are that he is measuring a day or two ahead of schedule in terms of his body parts, and weighs 13 ounces. He didn't stop moving all day yesterday, and it doesn't seem like today is going to be any different.

We're having a boy!!!

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