Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bonus Quotes!

After I posted last night, I realized I missed some good quotes. Oh yeah, and Owen was up an hour early this morning to supply a couple more. For your reading pleasure:

Dan: Owen, is your nose running?
Owen: My nose is very fast, Daddy. Very fast!

Another story from Dan:
So, he turned off my computer...because he can't resist a good blue lighted button.
So I left the room and heard the sounds of the printer.
I come in to find him laying down next to it.
Dan: "What are you doing?"
Owen: "Don't push the buttons."

And a couple of gems from 6:45 this morning:
"Mommy, I want some juice and some pretzels. And my tummy wants some juice and pretzels too."
"Daddy, let's go!! It's time to get lunch!"

Honestly, there are so many funny things he says every day, I'm glad I got some of them written down. I'll try to share more good ones more often!

1 comment:

Nicole Rose said...

Those are so adorable Lisa. He is such a smart little boy. I hope you all are doing well :)