Saturday, February 18, 2012

Owen the Comedian

Well, I don't know if he's trying to be funny or if he just accidentally is, but Owen is hilarious these days. A few quotes, just from this morning for your enjoyment:

Owen: Mommy, can I have some chocolate?
Me: Sure, do you want some chocolate cat cookies?
Owen: No, I want BROWNIES!!
(They're in the oven now...can't say no to logic like that!)

Owen: Mommy, can you open this lollipop?
Me: How 'bout we find a different snack?
Owen: How 'bout we find this one?
(He settled for mini marshmallows -- second breakfast of champions.)

Owen has been big into role playing lately. I posted about his kitty cat scenario, but he is even more into being different Thomas train characters. He is Thomas, Dan is Diesel-10, I'm Lady, and Josh is Percy.

Dan: Owen, what train is Josh?
Owen: Percy!
Dan: So you and Josh best friends?
Owen: I don't know about that...

He's got such an imagination and such amazing language skills. Though the recent addition of "whatever" to his arsenal could get old fast.




I don't like the sucker in his mouth, but I wanted to share this picture anyway because of Owen's incredible blue eyes!

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