He is talking up a storm, and as of today, is talking in almost complete sentences! "Want more grapes," "want more juice," "I get you!" Some of our favorite words right now are: teapot, tickle, kitty cat, meatball, goldfish, whale (pronounced as two very distinct syllables - way-yul), oh no!, concrete truck, monkey, ocho, hamburger (pronounced like a Japanese samurai would say it), zebra, thank you, mooooocow, "chocmo" (chocolate milk)...man the list goes on and on, especially with food. He knows several different bugs: bee, butterfly, caterpillar, beetle, ant, ladybug. He loves trucks and can go through his truck book by memory (and name the 20 different trucks).
Owen loves to sing songs, including "All Aboard the Choo Choo Train" from the Disney channel. He'll walk around singing it and dancing too. He loves Handy Manny and can name his 8 tools (his favorite is Felipe - "Fee-pee"). He can count to 10 easily, and then every number after that is 13 or 15. He asks to sing his ABCs - he helps with ABC, HI, QR, TUVW, and Y. He can build some pretty amazing towers with his blocks, and LOVES when they fall over. Owen loves swings and being chased. He can read and re-read his books all day long. He has started fake sneezing -- "Achoo! 'Neeze!" and he likes to spin in circles until he falls down.
And, boy, can our kid eat! Most mornings he'll eat two scrambled eggs, a veggie sausage patty, a banana, and then help me eat my bowl of cereal (which he is convinced is always "Fah Fake" -- Frosted Flakes). Then he'll snack on goldfish crackers or graham crackers until lunch/naptime. For dinner, he'll eat an entire hamburger or a piece of "a-pizza" or half a box of chee-no (cheezy noodles - mac & cheese). Or he'll help us with whatever else we may be eating - chicken, steak, Thai food. He even likes broccoli! We're not sure where it's all going though. At his 18-month appointment, Owen weighed 25 pounds, which was only the 37th percentile. But he's in the 90s for height (34 inches) and head circumference (49.7 cm), so he's a tall, smart, skinny dude.
Owen seems to be finally appreciating sleep now, though he does like to get up early. I guess when he naps well and sleeps 10-11 hours straight at night, he can't really be expected to sleep much longer. But he doesn't put up much of a fight any more, and enjoys his bed with his alligator, polar bear, green bear, moose and kitty cat to keep him company. He's even managed to keep a decent sleep schedule as his first 4 molars have come in. That brings him up to 12 teeth now!
He likes to color with crayons (and snack on them), and flip light switches on and off. He spends a lot of time running around, and a lot of time trying to figure out how things work (the bath tub faucet, the baby gate, our computers and their cords, his monitor). Right now he's running around with a banana, trying to get it open by himself.
And we're only 8-ish weeks away from adding to the amazement! Our next little guy is almost 4 pounds right now, and around 17 inches long. He really likes to get his feet up under my ribs, and is very active. He gets hiccups a lot, just like Owen did. He moves when he hears Dan or Owen, and I never have to wonder if he's okay in there...he never sits still long enough to worry! From here on out, he's just got to gain some weight and keep practicing his breathing. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone already, but I also can't believe there are two full months to go. I'm excited to see Owen as a big brother. I'm sure he'll be amazing at that too.
To sign off before the pictures, and to quote our amazing 18-month old, "See y'soon!"

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