Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Big Pictures

When I uploaded pictures to our online picture site, they uploaded bigger than normal. Since I'm too lazy to upload them again smaller, we have more big pictures today! Owen is getting dangerously close to crawling these days. He has figured out how to push up with his arms, and if he's sitting, he'll lean forward in what I like to call "tripod" or "kickstand" pose.



From there, he'll kind of rock back and forth and either sit back up, or flop forward. When he gets his legs involved, he often forgets his arms and uses his face...not so effective, but pretty cute!

My Aunt Kathy ("Grammy" to Owen) brought a polar bear puppet down with her from Alaska, which Owen is warming up to. Here are some pictures of their first playtime together:



And some cute pictures of Owen using his arms:



He is such a cutie pie!

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