We had a fun week! Owen attended his first Huskies basketball game on Wednesday night. The game started at bedtime, so I was a little nervous about keeping him up that late. But he did really well! We got there super early, and he was just taking it all in. He loved the music, the lights, the crowd...it was amazing! He was laughing and screaming and smiling the whole time. With about three minutes to go in the game, Owen leaned his head against my chest and fell asleep. Hard. He didn't wake up when Dan put him in his car seat. He didn't wake up when we got home. He was out! Here are some pictures from before the game. The cheerleaders and Harry the Husky weren't there, so we'll have to get those pictures later in the season.

It's also definitely fall, so I went shopping for warm PJs and found this really thick, warm suit for our little guy. And it has ears!!

And then today, Grandpa Louie took Owen and me to the Aquarium!! Dan is studying for his exam so we wanted to get out and let him have some quiet time. Owen seemed to really enjoy it. He is a people-watcher for sure, and the fish seemed a little interesting to him too. Here are some photos of the two of us there:

It was a fun, busy week for a fun, busy baby.
1 comment:
Oh, so cute! I love the aquarium of the pacific in Long Beach. Aaron and I go once a year. The pictures of you at the game are too cute. He looks thrilled to be there with all the exciting things going on around him. Sure sign of our future mathemtician and valedictorian, no pressure though. I just know how smart you guys are and of course, Owen is the smartest baby in the whole world. I hope your all doing will and that I will be able to come see you when the holidays are over and it warmes up a bit. I am hoping for Owens first birthday. That would be fantastic! I love you guys. Take care.
Aunt Heather
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