It's that time again! We went to see Santa at Alderwood Mall the week before Thanksgiving. Don't judge! No lines and unlimited chat-with-Santa time. :)
It was a Wednesday night, just after I got home from work. We fought traffic for longer than I care to admit, and I gave Josh our iPad to play with to keep him awake on the dark ride.
We rounded a corner in the mall, Owen saw where we were heading, and raced over to Santa to give him a huge bear hug. He eagerly told him what his Santa Christmas list is this year: a spy kit, a tractor, and Pokemon stuff. I think Santa can handle that!
But poor Josh. I held him until the picture-taker was ready, dropped him on Santa's knee, and backed away so I wasn't in the pictures. He screamed like crazy, and I couldn't even get a real smile out of Owen. Remembering the bear hug and Owen's joy makes it worth it. Sorry, Josh!