That's right, folks. Today marks 27 weeks in this pregnancy, and the beginning of the third trimester. Owen's baby brother is around 2 pounds and 15 inches, or the size of a head of cauliflower. He's also a breakdancer who needs no rest...ever! And I'm betting on a full head of hair too, because I could breathe fire with the heartburn I have all day and night. So far, all of our appointments have been uneventful, which is the best we can hope for, and starting with our next one, we go every two weeks until Mr. Man makes his grand entry into the world.
In Owen news, he has two top molars now, bringing his tooth count to 10. Unfortunately for Owen, he's got 10 more to come. We can tell more must be on their way because he is a super duper grumpypants these days. Luckily, though, he is eating and sleeping like a champ most days.
We went to the Puyallup Fair today with Grandpa Louie, but I think Owen's still just a little too young. He wanted to run around and touch everything and every animal, which we couldn't let him do in such a crazy, crowded space. On top of missing nap time, it was definitely a recipe for disaster. Hopefully next year will be more fun for all of us.
Here are a few (okay, a bunch -- it's been a month!) pictures of our 17-month old cutie pie: