I've been feeling really good this pregnancy. I've been really tired, but I skipped morning sickness altogether. I've got a little bit of a tummy (and I promise to post pictures as things progress), but I haven't gained any weight. I feel the baby moving and kicking, mostly while I'm nursing Owen to sleep (one of the few rare cases a day where I can truly relax with my thoughts and pay attention), but so far, this one isn't quite as active as Owen was. At least, not from what I can remember. But this baby is also only 5-6 inches long, about the size of a bell pepper. There is plenty of time for him/her to boogie down!
As for Owen, he's doing great! Summer finally arrived here in Seattle this week, with temperatures breaking 90 degrees and setting records for this early in the summer. We've been keeping cool by playing at the local splash park, and we made it to the Greenlake wading pool today for the first time. I was on a walk with a friend, so we weren't prepared at all, but that didn't stop us from letting our kids go crazy in the water. Next time, I'll remember the swim suits and camera!
Also, and I don't want to jinx it but I'm going to talk about it anyway, Owen is finally sleeping!! He has been a sleeping champ for almost a month now, including pushing his wake up back from 5:30 AM to anywhere from 6:30 to 8:30 on really good mornings. He and Dan have a great morning schedule that involves lots of breakfast, watering our new garden, making blanket tents, playing with toys, blocks and balls, and enjoying the company. Most of this happens while I'm still snoring away, and I can't thank Dan enough for the extra sleep after all this time!
And what would a blog post be without lots of pictures of our adorable little guy, who, by the way, will now correct you if you don't call him Owen!?

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