Hi there! I know, I know...it's been weeks since I've posted anything. And of course our little redhead has been having all kinds of fun and getting into all kinds of trouble. He has figured out how to climb up on the couch, and then he likes to stand up and bounce. We're trying to break this not-so-safe habit, but Owen seems to like breaking the rules. He has also discovered the joy of food. His fork skills are pretty amazing, and as long as he has one, will eat just about anything. I think if we would let him, he'd sit in his high chair and eat ALL DAY LONG! Dan is really amazing at putting together complete, healthy meals for Owen, and Owen loves it!
As far as the pregnancy goes, it is racing by already. It's funny how different my attitude is this time. As excited as I am to meet #2, it's okay if December takes a while to get here -- which of course is making time go faster! On Friday I hit week 12 and the baby will be about the size of a lime. I can't believe he/she is so big already! We've had really good luck finding the heartbeat at home with our doppler. The heart rate is a strong healthy 170-175. If we were believing in old wives' tales, that would point to girl, but the medical research says that's all a bunch of hooey. July will be here soon enough and we'll know for sure then.