Owen seems to be figuring out the sleep thing a little bit better. He's only waking up 2-3 times most nights (though we still have our rough times) and is a good napper when we're home. He has at least six teeth trying to break through, so he's a little grumpier than usual, but I can't really blame him. He has started doing what I call his "smooshie face" and shaking his head "no" - both serious 'tude developments! He is still obsessed with airplanes and birds and the moon, all of which he calls birds. It actually sounds more like he's saying "bus" but he knows what he's talking about.
Window patrol:

Bed head after a nap:

Popsicles for teething relief and snacking on Dan's toes:

Here's a picture of his smooshie face:

Other than that, he's really enjoying all of his play dates. He loves interacting with other babies and playing with other people's toys. In the community center, he figured out how to climb up the plastic slide into the toy tree house. Getting down still needs some work!

Owen is going through a little bit of separation anxiety and likes to check in with me pretty often during the day, where ever we are. He also LOVES being out on our front porch, looking for airplanes, puppy dogs, cars, garbage trucks, trees, birds, bicycles, kids...you get the picture! He loves to point to everything, ask Dan, "What's that?" and then do it all over again.
We're still walking with another mom and baby team most mornings, but he's rebelling against his stroller this week. So I end up carrying him most of the way around Greenlake (2.8 miles in circumference) which is killer on my back. As I'm writing this, I've dosed up on ibuprofen and I'm leaning up against a heating pad. Ouch! I bet he's broken through the 22 pound mark at least, maybe 23. He seems to be eating nonstop, so maybe it's his 12-month growth spurt 5 weeks early.
Wait, did I just write 5 weeks?!? 5 weeks until my little tiny sleepy hungry bug is turning 1? I can't even believe how fast this year has gone. I can't wait to see what year number 2 holds in store for the Mudgetts!
1 comment:
Why are Dan's toes so yummy? Our cousin Racheal at age one liked his nose. But toes, all kids are so different. I am cracking up over that one. Too cute!
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