Owen is 6 months old today!! We've known him for half of a year. That seems so amazing to us. I can remember very vividly what it was like being prepped for surgery, and so can Dan. We were reminiscing this morning about Owen's birth, and how much he's grown and changed since then. Our little baby has doubled his birth weight, is eating solid foods, smiles and laughs all day long, is sitting up to play with his toys, and has such a fun personality.
Five and a half months ago, when breastfeeding was so hard, I can remember thinking that October would never come. I was looking forward to the 6-month mark so that Owen's nutrition wasn't 100% on me. I obviously had no idea that starting solids isn't really about nutrition; it's more about practicing moving food around and using your tongue for the first few months. And we started solids two months ago. Breastfeeding has clearly become much easier, and I don't have a date in sight for stopping, but it's amazing how far we all have come in just 6 months.
Today, we celebrated Owen's half birthday as a family. We began the day at 7:00 AM, with Owen greeting his daddy, "Hi, Dada! Hi, Dada!" Dan: "Can you say 'Mama?'" Owen: "Dada!" Then, miraculously, Owen was still tired, and we all went back to sleep until 9:15!! We got up, had breakfast, and I made Owen's half birthday cake. We packed up, got in the car, and went for donuts at Mighty O donuts in Wallingford. Owen took that opportunity to get in a good nap:

When we got home, it was almost time for the Huskies vs Notre Dame football game. We watched a little, and then Owen got tired again. When Owen and I woke up from that nap, we got to watch the 4th quarter and overtime - unfortunately, the Dawgs couldn't pull it out, but it was a good showing. Owen got to splash and play in the bath with his daddy. We played with some toys on the floor for a while, posed Owen with his cake for some pictures (he REALLY wanted to get his hands on it!), and then it was time for bed. Owen: "Dada!! Dada!!" Dan: "Can you say 'Mama?'" Owen: "Dada!"
A mom can dream... :D

Happy Half Birthday, Owen!