Owen is 2 months old today. Amazing! This past month has flown by and Owen has grown so much. He's bigger and more alert, and definitely knows who we are. He's starting to sleep for longer stretches at night too, which is wonderful, though he did get up for good at 5:45 this morning. We'll work on that over time.
Today is the last new moms group meeting before we're on our own to get together. I hope we continue to meet up since I count on the company every week. It's nice to hear that I'm not alone with what I'm going through, and seeing other babies a month or more ahead of Owen gives me an insight into what's coming next. I keep thinking that next summer will be so much easier because Owen will be able to go to wading pools or the zoo or the park, but I don't want to rush this stage of his life. So I have to figure out what to do this summer so I don't go crazy sitting in the house all day.
Owen has his 2-month doctor's appointment on Friday which I have mixed feelings about. I'm excited to show his pediatrician how much he's grown, but I'm dreading all the shots that he's going to get. I know that they're for his own good and he won't remember them, but I know they'll hurt him and he'll be sore for a few days. Poor guy. I'm hoping it will be harder on me than on him. Maybe he won't even notice?
Well our little man is waking up from his morning swing nap. Happy 2 months, Baby Boy!