Owen is 3 years and 2+ months old, and just had his last day of Pre-3s co-op preschool yesterday. I was thinking back to when we signed him up over a year ago, thinking there was never going to come a day when we'd be able to leave him for 2 hours. Thankfully, we were way off and he loved school, even without us there. He loved outside play, the play-dough station, and running laps around the other kids. He loved circle time and is constantly singing songs from school at home. The other day, we drove by his school, and he said, "There's my school! My friends live there!" He also did a tremendous amount of growing in the past 9 months. See for yourself!

Owen recently went to the dentist for the first time. He did pretty well, but was not a super big fan of all of the gadgets. After some serious coaxing and bribery, he let the tech polish all of his teeth, and in return got to get two prizes from the prize tower.

He's having a lot of fun these days, and especially likes exploring new parks. We went to Laurelhurst park last week, a park I used to love growing up, and Owen was a fan too. Josh got to experience grass for the first time, and loved watching the leaves of the trees move in the wind.

Speaking of Josh, since I last posted, we've passed both his fourth and fifth month marks! He continues to grow quickly, and he's showing a lot of his easy-going, happy personality.

He's expanding his vocabulary (hungry, roll over, Owen, brother, hello, I love you), and is singing along with the exersaucer's "red, yellow, and blue" song. His giggle is to die for, and I love when Dan gets him going (even though it inevitably leads to hiccups!). With his neck and core strength improving, we get to play with the exersaucer and jumperoo more, which helps us get some empty-arm time too.

Josh is doing really well with tummy time too. He's really close to rolling over now, but still isn't quite there. Soon!

And both boys get to take baths in the big tub now. They even had a bath together recently!

This past weekend, Dan's kid brother (not really a kid, but you know what I mean) got married. Dan was a groomsman, and Owen was the ring bearer. My favorite part of the weekend might be the pictures I got of Dan and Owen in their tuxes. So cute! I'll throw in a picture of Josh and me too.

As summer starts this year, I am looking forward to Josh's next milestones, and to Owen's mischievous adventures outside. I hope to spend time with the boys at the wading pools and splash park, and maybe take a trip or two to Bainbridge Island and Shelton. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for outside fun!
Bonus: Here's a link to a video of Dan making Josh laugh. I love the sound of our boys laughing!