Our almost-23-month old is incredible. Tonight at bed time, he had Old MacDonald stuck in his head and kept singing it. "Old Donald had farm. On farm had SHEEP! And baa there, and baa there, and baa there, and baa there..." He's really been singing a lot lately and we LOVE it!!
His language has also developed so much lately, it's insane. He speaks in full sentences, and knows so much. He is big into "please" and "thank you" which is amazing, and one of the cutest things is that his terrible twos aren't full of "No" as much as we're getting "No, thank you. NO, THANK YOU!" It's adorable. Owen is parroting a lot of what we say too. Because he's so verbal and so strong-willed, he will ask for the same thing over and over again. Here's how a typical conversation goes:
Owen: "Want to go downstairs. Want to go downstairs. Please. PLEASE. Want to go downstairs, please!"
Dan: "Okay, okay, okay!"
So now, when Owen really wants something, he tacks on "Okay, okay, okay" to the end. "Want to go downstairs, please, okayokayokay." That kid!
He's also into extremes. Things are too hot, too bright, too high. But when he's frustrated, it's "too big." That started when he tried to put a toy car through his train tunnel and it didn't fit. He was very frustrated, but Dan explained to him that it was too big. So now, anything frustrating is "too big."
His train table is a whole other story. He could play with that train table all day, every day. He has started coming to me, grabbing a finger, dragging me to the table, saying, "Want to play some trains, please," over and over again. "Over the bridge, please. Through the tunnel, please."

Owen is also really loving a few TV shows. He loves Thomas and Friends, a French cartoon called Caillou, and The Care Bears. He knows all of the characters, can sing along with the songs, and can recite upcoming lines when he's watching his favorite episodes.

I measured him this afternoon and if my measuring-tape-on-a-moving-target was right, Owen has hit the 3 feet mark. We've been told that you can estimate adult height by doubling a kid's height at age 2. With 5 weeks to go, it looks like Owen is going to break the 6 foot mark when he grows up. I hope he still gives me good hugs and kisses then. He's such a cutie.
Let's see...what else? In late January, we all headed to Round Rock, TX, just outside of Austin, to visit friends. That was Owen's third trip, and the second trip to Texas. We had a great time, and of course, got some great pictures. Owen did great on the plane. He slept the whole way there, and had a fun time with Kate.

Owen is growing up so fast in so many ways. He loves pizza and hot dogs and mac and cheese.
He loves the outdoors, regardless of the weather. He just figured out how to jump with both feet yesterday. Sneezes are hilarious. He loves our cat, Sprinkles, and can't get enough of holding her, petting her, grabbing her feet and tail (and she just takes it).

And here are several more pictures, because I just couldn't narrow them down. I'm sure it's obvious that we are over the moon with this kid, and he amazes us every day with how much he's learning and becoming this amazing person.