We're only four weeks from Baby Boy 2's due date, and like I was with Owen, I'm convinced I won't go that long. How can I possibly get bigger for another month!??! I hope I'm not as wrong as I was with Mr. O, who was 6 days late...
I've started having Braxton Hicks contractions, which are typically "practice" contractions and don't actually help toward getting labor going. I had some with Owen, but I didn't realize that's what they were until I started getting them this time. Starting in a week, this pregnancy is considered full-term, so then we can start trying home induction methods, like walking, spicy foods, fresh pineapple, etc. Who knows if they'll be any more effective than last time, but it can't hurt to try. If he's not ready, he's not ready. We'll just have to wait and see!
Starting this coming week, we have weekly appointments to check on growth and heartbeat. We're really getting close!