I see that I've been slacking on posting info and pictures. Sorry!
Owen is doing really well. We had his 9 month appointment last week - he weighs 20 lbs 9 oz, is 30 inches tall, and his head circumference is 47 cm. For comparison, at birth, he weighed 9 lbs 12 oz and was 22 inches tall. He's done some great growing over the past 3/4 of a year! He only had to get one shot - the H1N1 booster. His next appointment will be a couple of days after his first birthday, and there will be A LOT of shots at that appointment. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
Let's see...what else?
Owen is crawling like crazy, much to the cats' dismay. His new favorite activity is chasing the furry critters around our main floor. He is also pulling up on everything and cruising around. He's letting go when he's standing up, figuring out the balance thing. Dan and I are betting that he'll be walking within a month. It's nuts!
Also, as a safety precaution, we bought Owen a twin bed. Well, a twin mattress on the floor. He's been in bed with us since we brought him home, but now that he's crawling and more curious, it's too dangerous to let him nap alone on our bed. The transition has gone really well, and gives us some good sleep at night until he wakes up and we bring him into bed with us. It's weird to have him sleeping so far away, but I guess it has to happen sometime.
Here are a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks. He loves sharing sandwiches with Dan, playing with his friends at my moms' group, chasing the cats (even under the table), jumping in his bouncer (though, not so much any more), and Dan and I LOVE it when he's sleeping. ;)